Monday, March 28, 2011

Another Semester comes and goes...

Well I cant believe that another semester has come and gone! I looked at the calender today and I have 3 weeks till I header home! I am SOO excited to be Alberta BOUND and be able to be with my family for the whole summer and see old friends. School has been full of fun this semester. This last month me and one of my besties Chiloe have done many temple trips! We want to continue going to as many different temples as we can. I have really noticed the blessings in my life that the Lord has given me. I have had some tough decisions to make this semester and I know that I have been guided by the sprit as to what decision will be best for me and my future. I know the I need to rely heavily on the blessings of prayer right now in my life. I know that the Lord is always there for us and it makes me feel so secure that I can always turn to him.
I love being at BYU. The campus is gorgeous. I really need to take more pictures though.. I feel like I haven't taken any this semester... Except on Sunday, someone dropped my camera.. and now the lens is broken =(
I love my ward here at King Henry, and will be sad to not come back in the fall! But I am excited to live in the new complex! 

Me and Chiloe after Church!

So the countdown is on for the next 3 weeks! I have so many things happening.
1. My 21st Birthday is in 2 weeks... YES I am freaking out. I don't want to be that old
2. Ward Camp out... I am not the fondest of sleeping outside..BUT I still love hiking and everything else that has to do with camping. I AM Super Excited!
3. FINALS.. My favorite time of the year
4. Then pops is coming and picking me up and we get to have a daddy/daughter drive all the way home!
5. Reunited with family and SAMMIE

AND I CANT FORGET CONFERENCE THIS WEEKEND!! I cant wait to hear talks that will be helpful in my life right now!

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Love to see the Temple... I'm going there some day

This past friday night me and Chiloe went to the Provo Temple to do baptisms. It was such a special experience to be there. With the busy pace of school every day, it is nice to get a break from the outside world. I love to be in the temple and feel the peace while I am there. I love the quote from Elder Wirthlin that says "Come what may and love it". I believe this talks about trials and differences in our life. We are meant to have trials to grow. Even though they are hard, the Lord only gives us trials we can handle. I love being at the temple and feeling the love from my Heavenly Father. I know that it helped me reevaluate my life and made me realize that the struggles that I go through only make me stronger. The Temple gives me clear answers and helps me with the decisions I need to make in my life right now. I know that this Gospel is true and I am so grateful to have my family and for the Book of Mormon. I know that it contains true words of God. I love BYU and know that I have strengthened my testimony while being here. I love to see that temple, and I know that being in the Lords house will bless me. I know that one day I will go there. 

Monday, March 7, 2011


So it is monday afternoon and I have been in the library for practically the whole day.. Have I gotten anything done... not a whole lot! there is something about people watching that is soo fun. But I get so distracted when I SHOULD be doing my homework...Between lunch break with a friend and the insanely hot temperature in the library... I am ready to call it a day...