Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Favorite Things...

I thought I would start a blog, so hear it goes...

This summer has been very eventful for me. I have accomplished many things that I have wanted too and feel that Im on a path that I want to follow. Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to go to BYU Provo. It is a goal that I have had to work very hard for. However, when I didn't get accepted the first time I applied, I was disappointed, to say the least. I got accepted to BYU-Idaho and wasn't sure that I would like it. However, I was REALLY wrong. Going to BYU-Idaho has been one of the many highlights. I love the campus, teachers, the temple, and the forever friends that I met. You girlies know who you are, the kit kat has a special place in her heart for all of you!
I learned so much about myself, while I was there. I have grown to love the school and the opportunities that it offered me.
So now it is bittersweet as I move on to Provo. I won't forget the memories, or my life long friends.
Luckily, its only 4 hours away, so its not out of my reach to go there... YIPPEE!!

I bet you wonder why my dog is at school...Well, that is another story and another post. Lets just say she is a big part of my life so far...
Oh and I am in front of one of my favorite buildings in Rexburg, the Taylor building is soo pretty inside. Also, I am related to John Taylor- He is my great, great, great grandpa.

The wind in Rexburg never gets old. Oh, how I love Idaho...seriously I really do =)

Jacque, Arielle, and Me. People called us the "blonde, brunette, and the red head"- We are a trio.

Me and Chloe. We were lucky enough to go see David Archuleta in December...Yes, I know you guys are all jealous. Chloe even met him at institute in California this summer, lucky girl--she is a big FAN.

Some of the crazy things that I did in Rexburg this year:

1. Walking to Broumlins (I still dont know how to spell that) countless times
2. Polar Dipping
3. Dance partys in 422
4. Bumper shining
5. Sand Dumes
6. Ice Caves
7. Hiking
8. Oh I cant forget....studying lol-- I REALLY did lol
9. Apartment pranks
10. Shopping in IDAHO FALLS...the next best thing

Well, I am super duper happy that I was in Rexburg this year. I learned so much, and grew. Life long memories are mine forever.

This is the start of my story... Stay tuned

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating who you want to be"

For now that is my goal =)

till next time*